Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

We are SO happy that we are finally experiencing some warmer weather and sunshine here in Fishers.  It feels like it has been forever since we've seen the sun, so we are trying to take full advantage of it! Before Kirk left for class tonight, we decided to take a little walk around the neighborhood.  Elijah loves being a "big boy" and walking by himself and he walked almost around the whole loop! The pictures are below, but I wanted to update you all on my pregnancy and what Elijah's been doing these days too.  If you are interested in that, keep reading.  If not, scroll down for pics!

Elijah is turning into such a big boy.  I'm sure when he's 2 and 3 and 4, I am going to miss when he was  a "little" one year old, but to me, it seems like he is growing so fast! He is learning and discovering new things every day.  Here is a few things he's mastered lately:

  • He is a master at the "M" sound now, which makes me happy because he says Mama from time to time (not as often as Dada, but I'll take what I can get).  He also says "mmmm" when I bring out food and "mo", which I think means more.
  • He loves to open and shut doors.  He could do that all day long, and he especially loves shutting himself in mommy and daddy's bathroom (not sure what he does in there, but he has a blast doing it).
  • He loves to be chased and he has gotten his little run down quite well.
  • He has taken a recent interest in books! He doesn't like to read them really, but he sure does love to hold them, eat them, and look at the pictures.
  • He absolutely LOVES his daddy.  When he hears the garage door open he gets a huge smile on his face because he knows that means daddy is home.  Once he hears the door open, he runs to the gate at the top of the steps and waits for daddy and once he sees him, he runs away (hoping that he will be chased by daddy).
  • He has begun to experience some separation anxiety.  He cries when our babysitter comes and he cries when he gets dropped off at nursery at church, but he is getting better.  Even though it's sad that he is sad, it does warm our hearts a little to know that he will miss us :).
  • His new favorite food is blueberry muffins.  It's great that he loves them so much, but it is unfortunate that his feast on them inevitably ends in a LOT of crumbs on him, me, the high chair, and floor.
  • He makes every day brighter and more joyful for his mom and dad.  We are SO thankful for our little man and can not wait to keep watching him grow and learn.

Here's what's going on in my pregnancy:
  • I will be 17 weeks on Friday.  I do have a bump and I will post pictures soon.
  • I am feeling SO MUCH better and really only have one symptom left which is tiredness.
  • We are still set on NOT finding out the sex of the baby, but we are looking forward to our big ultrasound on March 23 (yes it is fun, even if you don't find out the sex).
  • I have been feeling little flutters for a few weeks and Kirk even felt the baby for the first time 2 nights ago! I am not sure why it happens so much earlier the second time, but I plan on asking at my next OB appt.  
  • I have 2 cravings: cheese fries and iced cinnamon dulce lattes at Starbucks (but I have been getting decaf!)
  • It is just as cool to experience a pregnancy the second time around.  I forgot how good those first flutters feel and how fun it is to imagine who the baby will look like.  
Wait, you mean I get to walk all by myself, down this sidewalk?

Yup, just follow the leader!

1 comment:

Peter and Bethany said...

Love the spring-y updates to the blog and the updates about the Duncan kiddos:)