Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I can do it myself!

Elijah has been a little under the weather for the past few days.  The poor guy has a horrible cough and it wakes him up a lot at night, which in turn, makes him a little more cranky during the day.  This morning I wanted to cheer him up so I tried to do his favorite things...I gave him a bath (he loves that tub!), I looked at his favorite animal book over and over and over again with him while making all of the animal sounds, and, last but not least, I let him feed himself (the bath actually came after this...you'll see why in the pictures).  He loves to work that spoon all by himself...and it is pretty comical.

See, I told you I could do it.
Can't you just hear him saying "mmmm".
First I put my spoon in the applesauce...
...and then I put the applesauce in my mouth.
At least, some of the applesauce gets in my mouth.

1 comment:

Aunt Rach said...

His face in these pics exemplifies the statement above that says "being clean is for a different stage in life" (or something like that).