Sunday, October 31, 2010

High School Buds

I am so fortunate that I still have several good friends from high school.  This weekend my good friend Allie came up from Atlanta to hang out with Allison and me.  We had a great time...I just told Kirk it's been a long time since I've had some quality, no kid girl time and this weekend definitely felt therapeutic in that way! Thanks again for coming, Allie and thanks to both of you for being great friends! 

Thanks to my friend Bethany I have a recent obsession with a cupcake shop called Gigis.  Allie has one in ATL so she shares the love for it.  We introduced Allison to it yesterday and it did not disappoint!
We also headed to a farm in Noblesville that had a cornmaze.  We felt adventurous and decided to give it a try. We were the only ones there without children but we had no shame in that fact! Allie was a little scared as you can see, but Allison was excited!
Yes, we did climb into a stage coach for a photo.

1 comment:

Peter and Bethany said...

What a fun weekend! There is nothing like girl time. And your kiddos were so cute on Halloween!