Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lots of people to love...

Elijah just had one adoring fan after another while we were home.  Here's a few of the pics.

Allie and Elijah having a great conversation.
Friends already!
Steph and Bob came to meet him too! Steph is coming out to visit us in two weeks and we are excited we get to see her again!!
And of course, Elijah wanted to meet Lauren as well! 
Here's a novel idea: take a picture without a baby in it.  Love you, Lauren!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

oooooo I love you too Chrissie and I was SO EXCITED to finally meet precious Elijah. I can;t wait to see you guys again in May!!!! Counting the days. LOVE YOU!!!

Oh and I'm praying about the future. Make it happen.