Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sorry for the lack of posts.

I know a lot of you want to see baby bump updates (and trust me, the baby bump is making itself known!), but unfortunately, Kirk and I are having computer problems. Our only window to the internet right now is the library and we obviously can't upload photos there. So, I promise, as soon as we get the computer up and running again, I will update you! I guess the only other solution is you could come visit me!


Grandma said... could come see me! Three weeks, I can hadly wait.
I love you.

Grandma said...

Hadly...that's my Boston accent. Oh well.

Jessica Jackson said...

I just can't wait to see the baby bump in person. I'm sure that baby is getting huge (since it has Kirk's genes). No offense, Kirk- you were just a big baby.

C Leebrick said...

hope you are feeling well and everything is going smoothly! praying for you guys and the baby :)

Marlene said...

I'm lucky I can stalk your sister's blog for updates! Or else I'd be dying of anticipation!