Thursday, May 24, 2012

One Month Stats

It's hard to believe our sweet baby girl is one month old already! She had her one month checkup on Momday, the 21st, which was one month to the day.  She has already brought us such joy and we are totally in love.  Emily, I pray that you will always know how much you are loved and valued.  You are one God's greatest gifts to us and we will forever be thankful that he made you a part of the Duncan family! 

Sidenote: the pictures aren't great quality because they were taken with Kirk's iPod.  My camera has been misplaced by a certain young someone...I won't name names, ahem, Leah.  She has a tendency to hide things.  I'm sure it will turn up at some point!

You weighed in at 8 lbs, 4oz (25th percentile).  I knew you were feeling heavier, but I am totally impressed you gained over a pound since your last checkup 2 weeks ago!

I know, growing is hard work.  Big yawn!

Your tiny little head was just 13.25 cm, hardly even making the charts at the 2nd percentile.

You are 21 inches long, putting you right in the middle of the pack at the 50th percentile.

Percentiles really mean nothing to us, because to us, you are competely and utterly perfect!

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