Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter! He is Risen!

We had a really nice, relaxing Easter Sunday today! This is truly one of my favorite days of the year. Easter is such a refreshing holiday...a day to reflect on the victory that we have in Jesus, the Risen Lord! This past week, we've heard a lot of bad news...several friends and acquaintances who are walking through truly difficult times in their lives. It is easy to feel burdened by the darkness that is so present in the world. What a timely reminder this Easter Sunday is. Darkness and even death couldn't hold Jesus down! He is Risen! He's alive. I am so thankful for that glorious hope.

I pray that my children will someday accept the significance of the Resurrection in their hearts. I pray each day that their hearts would be softened to the truth of the Gospel and they would desire to know Jesus personally and follow Him. I am overwhelmed with joy that He saved me and continues to give me grace each day. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

This morning, as we were talking to the kids about what Jesus did on Easter, I tried to find a way to communicate Jesus's saving act in a way Elijah would understand. Since he is really into "rescue missions", I told Elijah that when Jesus rose up from the grave, he rescued us. This sweet conversation followed.

Elijah: Um Daddy, did Jesus rescue you?
Kirk: Yes, he sure did.
Elijah: Wow. That's a good rescuer.

Amen, Elijah!
I would be lying if I said dressing the kids up isn't one of my favorite parts of this holiday also :).
Probably my favorite of the day!
Thank you, Lord, for these 2 sweet kiddos!
Love this of Leah and Daddy.
And a "real life" photo for you...Leah's dress tucked up into her bloomers :).

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