Sunday, August 21, 2011

Grandma's Visit

My mom came for a week for Leah's birthday a few weeks back and as always, we loved having her visit! Thankfully she had her camera along since mine is broken and snapped some good ones of the kiddos. I wish we had documented her being here, but I guess we were too busy having a good time with her! Thanks for coming, Mom! We love you so much.

I know she can't suck her thumb forever, but I think I'll be a little sad when she stops. It's just so cute!
This picture makes me sad that we have since cut his hair. I love those curls.
Again, how cute is that?


Darla said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I have been checking your blog everyday (okay, maybe multiple times a day) in antcipation of more pics as promised. LOVE them. Adorable. I didn't realize Leah was a thumb sucker! Too cute. Okay, and how did your kids grow up so quickly? Oh my more babies.

Allison said...

Glad you are back in blogging action, and glad your little career as a bank teller is over too, so you can get back to business! haha Miss you tons! glad your little baby girl had a fab bday. She is so much bigger than when I last saw her it is hard to believe.

Rachel Jones said...

Your kiddos are both so sweet - I cannot believe Leah is one!?!? Craziness - she is the cutest thumb sucker ever!