Thursday, June 26, 2008

Skippin' Town...

Tomorrow, after Kirk is done with work, we are getting out of here! We are so excited to go on vacation for a week! First, we are heading to Lancaster for our friends', Kate and Rob's wedding. We are so excited for them! They are really good friends and they live here in IN as well, so we are glad we will be able to hang out with them every once in a while :).

After that, we are heading to St Michaels, Maryland for vacation with my family. We are staying on a horse farm right on the water...should be a good time! Stay tuned for pictures :).

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's Really a Baby!

We had our first ultrasound today! The appointment went great and everything is just as it's supposed to be. We couldn't hear the heartbeat, but we could see it flickering! It was pretty cool. You can make out some features, a head, an's a little guy (or girl), but it's there!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

We love our dads! It is on days like these that is hard to live so far from our families. We would love to spend the day celebrating with our fathers, but hopefully a phone call and a blog shout-out will suffice for now.

I think we would both say that our love for our fathers has only grown over the years. We were reminded of how thankful we are for our dads this year when we got married. As we headed into marriage, we were abundantly thankful to have parents who set a Godly example for us and fathers who lead in a way that honored the Lord. It was an honor to walk down the aisle on my dad's arm. I have always been so proud of Him. He leads well, loves unconditionally, and keep us all laughing. I love you, dad!
We are also abudantly blessed by Dad Duncan. The picture below is of Kirk and his dad at our rehearsal dinner. We are biased, but we think it ranked high in the rehearsal dinner category. Kirk's parents poured so much time and energy into it and we had a blast! Kirk's dad ran this game of Family Feud (which the Spiers won, but that's beside the point) and had everyone laughing! Dad Duncan is also a strong spiritual leader. He cares deeply about his 5 children (plus one!) and points them always to Jesus.

We love you both very much! Thanks for all you do.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Life without work...

Well, now that the news is out, I figured we can move on and get to talking about other things! Thanks to all of you for your outpouring of excitement over the last couple days! Kirk and I have had our phones ringing like you wouldn't believe :). We really appreciate our friends and family.

So anyway, I'm done working at Taylor and have been off work for the last 2 and a half weeks. I thought I would be going crazy with boredom, but as it turns out, I actually really like not working. After a brief trip to Florida with some good friends, I returned home and mom, Jess, and Campbell came to visit Kirk and me! It was Jess and Campbell's first time to our home and we were so happy to host them. We love having a niece and we appreciated that Jess and Mom braved the long road trip to come visit. In fact, I loved having them so much that I convinced them to stay an extra day! Here a few pictures from the fun week.

Campbell has a tiny head, so she will have to grow into her new pretty pink hat.
Here she is modeling her new outfit from Kirk and me! I love the blue skirt.
This picture is hilarious to me! Look at her arms...and Kirk looks especially happy to be holding the flapping arm baby.
We love her! Come back anytime :).

So yes, eventually I will get a job, but for now, this whole "unemployed" thing is working out pretty well for me.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Duncan Family Happenings

Recently, I (Chrissie) haven't been feeling too well, so I went to the doctor to have her check it out.

Symptoms: Nausea, fatigue, and food aversions.

Diagnosis: Pregnant

Prognosis: Baby Duncan #1, January 17, 2009.

No really, it's true. I promise. Took 2 tests to prove it to Kirk.

Here's the proof...

...and our reactions.